Friday, August 30, 2013

What Is Family???

Sometimes I feel so blessed to have such a large family. I have three sisters and a brother, all younger and all of which I am very close to and can not imagine them not being a part of my life. My mom and dad (step father) have been together for over 20 years and are a huge support system for Greg and I.  I have amazing in laws and I could not have imagined myself marrying someone that didn't value family as I do. I love and cherish my family through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes its just so hard.......

 On my dads side, my grandparents are still living and still married!!! I communicate almost on a weekly basis with most of my cousins and I know that I can count on them for anything and call them any time of the day or night. I must credit my grandparents for showing us that unconditional love and support all of our lives and teaching us to have love and compassion. I always tell people that I could be a serial killer and my grandmother would still love me (now dont get me wrong, she might hunt me down and take me out herself but she will do it out of love). But she has taught us although we make mistakes and we may not live and do things the way she would like, we are human and that she will love us through it all and try her best to guide us in the right direction. But what ever direction we choose we always know that our grandparents will be there and give us the guidance or discipline we need to do the right thing. We all try to get together a couple holidays a year, attend birthday parties, and take the kids places together. When tragedy strikes this family comes together without asking questions and we grow stronger by helping each other.

My mom's side...........well that's a completely different story.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The dreaded RE appointment....

Struggling a little today ~ overwhelmed with so many different parts of life that would be so much easier if we weren't dealing with this thing we call infertility.............This is definitely gonna be a depressing post and all over the place so I would recommend skipping this one....I just need to get it all out.

Finally went to my RE after months of putting the appointment off because I felt it was pointless to waste my time and money on an appointment when we didnt have Greg figured out yet (aka the fear and anxiety of hearing bad news and find out what additional tests and meds I was gonna need to spend more money on). I almost cancelled this one but forgot to call on Friday and I didnt want to pay the missed appointment fee. But Im glad I went, even though I left more confused and lost than ever. Im sure some of you are thinking.....why would you avoid your doctor during a time like this???

Well honestly the last month or so has been the hardest of this whole journey. This whole time I keep holding

Monday, August 19, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!!

I must say my husband out did his self this year! Under normal circumstances I enjoy planning stuff and getting together with family and friends, however the last year I have found it overwhelming and stressful and I have not enjoyed having the responsibility of making sure everyone is invited, shows up, and has transportation. Not to mention the anxiety I get in having to entertain people and be my happy normal self. This weekend reminded me that I have the most awesome friends and family and how much they care and make me happy :) It also reminded my that our infertility is just a part of our life and I can not let it define us, which is good timing because Fall is a busy party planning time for me ~ my youngest niece turns 2 on Sunday, Im planning a baby shower for late Sept/early Octoberish, (yes i know a baby shower....yikes...but since its for someone that would do the same for me I know it will all be worth it and I will be glad I did), and our annual Halloween I will be a busy little bee!!! But anyway, back to the birthday festivities....

Greg had asked me what I wanted for my birthday several times and I told him that a simple dinner and movie would be fine with me and that I didn't need a big production for the big 32! Obviously he thought I deserved more ~ at first the anxiety took over when I realized he was planning weekend festivities....on Thursday I had a little pep talk with myself and made a decision that I was going to enjoy this weekend and just go with the flow with no expectations for the weekend but just enjoy it and be grateful that Greg was putting in effort to do something for me.

After a day of birthday festivities at work,

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Dreaded Waiting Game.....

I have read soooo much lately about the two week wait and Greg and I have not yet made it to that dreaded "two week wait". However over the last 5 years we have already done a lot of WAITING that I'm sure other infertiles can relate too.

First comes the wait for ovulation, then the wait for the menstrual cycle or lack of menstrual cycle so you can take that pregnancy test (although we all know you have taken one everyday for the last week). This cycle of Waits continues for a while until your doctor says its time to see a specialist.

Then comes the Wait for the Specialist Appointment....We actually got Greg's appointment pretty fast with only a one month wait for that ~ my appointment on the other hand was made 6 months out and calling every few days allowed me to move that up 3 months when a random appointment opened up.

Then there is the Wait for the Medications To Work and Test Results to come back.....Rounds of Clomid, with Ultrasounds & Blood tests....This is the time period I wanted to burn that calendar on the wall that tracks every detail of our reproductive life, the days were SOOO long. For the last few months it has been Greg's turn with the medications which has been "take this for a month and lets retest you"...we are at week two of Greg's Novarel & Repronex shots and the anxiety to know if it worked (or failed) is killing me!!!!!!!!!!! I want to send him to the doctor today to see if it is working......

Lastly there is to wait to see if we ever get to make it to the "two week wait", the wait to see if this is where our journey to have our own biological children ends and where the waiting game of adoption begins.....I must say I will gladly take the two week wait. But whatever happens I try to stay positive that whatever happens will be well worth the wait!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Organizing my life...

So when Im not engulfing myself in research, blogging, and reading about infertility or I get overwhelmed with it all, I have started a quest to organize my life......or atleast making myself think that I am....

From finally filing away all my important documents, cleaning out the "future nursery", to going through all my kitchen cabinets.....I have started it all!! But I have yet to organize my "organization plan" so I start one project and get side tracked with the next one which is driving me bananas!!!!!

One project I have started is organizing all my "infertility" stuff on a Pinterest account!! When i was filing away all my important documents and trashing the stuff i didnt need anymore I realized I had a HUGE stack of infertility information, grant applications, medication information..... I was getting so overwhelmed trying to organize all the information I had acquired that I decided to take a break to figure out what I was cooking for dinner, and thats where Pinterest came in. Needless to say we had left overs for dinner because I completely forgot about dinner and started pinning all my information that I had "bookmarked" or printed so that its all in one place when I actually need it, AND ITS ORGANIZED!!!! :)

Now back to organizing my "Organization Plan" for the rest of my life...........

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Emotions of Infertility.....Loss

Many of the feelings of loss are still "what ifs" and are fueled by anxiety.  Its so easy for someone on the outside to say, "you still have options"..."this worked for this person"..."but you can still adopt"...... They dont think about what a couple is going through internally when faced with the reality and having to make decisions about where to go from here. Whether it is deciding what to try next or having to deal with the reality of a treatment not working the one thing in the back of our minds is "what if we cant".

The first feelings of loss you feel is the feeling of self esteem & self worth ~ am I not good enough to have children...what did we do wrong...I cant give my husband/wife a child. In our case we both have our issues so we will always both have the worry or guilt of not being able to provide each other or our families with a child if we are unable to do so. I have found myself questioning every aspect of my life, wondering if there was anything we should have done, questioning my desire to have children, and even our ability to financially support a child. I was always 100% sure that I wanted children and to find myself questioning it now. I watch everyday as Greg becomes more and more unhappy with himself and blames himself. I try so hard to keep his spirits high and reassure him that it will all be okay but its so hard when sometimes I dont even believe it.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

It must be in the water

and I must be on a separate water line.....

So my sister Amber (next to youngest sister & mom of my niece Mikaila) came by today to let me know that my little sister Jessi found out today that she was six weeks pregnant................let me rephrase that my little 17 YEAR OLD sister........

I swear this is the most unpredictable EMOTIONAL roller coaster I have ever been on. At first big sister/mother mode kicked in and my first question was "is she planning on finishing school??" All I have wanted for her for the longest time was to get through high school....Jessi has not had the easiest life and for several years she lived with me, and she was recently emancipated from her mother (our dad's widow). Greg and I were just talking about her last night about how proud we were of her and how happy we were that she was still in school and not into trouble and drugs. She has been with this guy for a while now and they were working on jobs and their own place prior to this so things were really looking up for Jessi. Obviously Im worried about her and Im scared for her because she has no clue what lies ahead but I have faith that it will all work out and I know she will need my support more now than ever. So the first 5 minutes consist of fear and worry......then came the auntie side of me thinking i needed to save all my stuff, shes gonna need lots of help, Im gonna have another niece/nephew to spoil & boy this is gonna be expensive lol......then came the dreaded sadness and pessimism about how unfair it is and why us. But this is not about us, she is pregnant now and she needs all the support she needs, and I HATE that she was worried about me and did not want to tell me because she didnt want to upset me (and probably didnt want to hear my usual sisterly lectures)...... Im sure she is scared, but im also sure she is excited at the same time and I dont ever want her to think that Im mad or upset with her because of it.

Im finding it harder and harder to control my emotions and anxiety, mainly because it seems like I feel so many different things at once.