Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My 1st IUI Cycle

Day 1 ~ Aunt Flo finally decide to arrive....I have never been so happy to see her, did a little happy dance in the bathroom. When I exited the bathroom coworker met me at the door and we did another little happy dance in the bathroom (poor guys in our office have no clue). I emailed my RE immediately to get my flow sheet set up (that is my schedule of meds, ultrasound and bloodwork). I was kinda hesitant to call Greg because I had been a bit moody the night before and I swore it was him and I knew the first thing he was gonna say was "told ya you were moody last night" lol.....Baseline ultrasound was schedule and flow sheet was set up.

This is my flow sheet ~ the pills were letrozole(Femara) ~ FSH shot was Follistim ~ and trigger shot was Ovidrel. Ultrasounds were schedule for day 2 and day 11. Looks like the procedure may be the 24th or 25th!!!

Day 2 ~ Had the baseline ultrasound this morning......well that was a miserable experience.....I was crampy. moody, and an ultrasound was the last thing I wanted. Poor ultrasound tech kept wanting to talk to me and I was just not in the mood to be social. I really wish my orders would have mentioned I didnt have a left ovary because that could have saved me alot of time and pain while the tech moved by "bowels" around looking for it before she asked if I had one.  Its bad enough I have the cramps but add all the poking and glad that is over with!! The tech said all looked great, I had 8 follicles hanging out in there. Doctor emailed me instructions giving me the go to start the meds tonight. One the way into work, I brought donuts for everyeone...just a "please forgive me for the next two weeks or so" lol, just incase I get a little angry at times.

Day 3 ~ HOLY CRAMPS..........I did not miss these guys. Thank goodness I can still take normal meds this week. I think Im just gonna lay in bed all weekend.....oh wait gonna have to suck it up because its my little sisters birthday party tonight and we have a friend coming in town. I better double up on those meds today.

Day 5 ~ So Im trying to kick the diet sundrop/caffeine habit. I've limited myself to one per day, I bought my last 6 pack yesterday and vowed that after Im done with this I will not buy another sundrop.......this is gonna suck!!!! Ive limited myself to half a cup of coffee and have purchased decaf.  It looks like since I had my baseline ultrasound the doctor is skipping my day ultrasound so I wait till day 11 to figure out if my follicles are cooperating or not.

Day 9 ~ Kinds feel like Greg was a little to excited to give me my injections tonight....he definitely enjoyed it way to much!!! But honestly it wasnt bad at all I barely felt it! Anxious to know if this is working. I personally have been pretty limited in who I have told about having the IUI. Well my mom and Greg on the other hand..........I do understand its a bit different for them and that they dont fully understand why Im not super excited and telling the world. A small piece of me is saying this is going to work because it has to....and the rest of me is saying I need to stay realistic and realize the the success rate is not as high as Id like it to be and that there are some very strong reason why this isnt going to work. I have questioned my decision to do the IUI because although it was my frugal mind telling me to try the "less expensive" route, that same frugal mind it telling me I might have just wasted all that money......reality is there is nothing frugal about infertility..... but I got to stay positive because the last thing I want to do is tell everyone "we are not pregnant". I havent stopped them from telling everyone because I kind of feel like I might jinx myselft, kinda hoping that my body could not possibly let this many people down....I just dont wanna be the one to tell them....

DAY 11 ~  Ultrasound this morning!!!! Lots of growing follicles!!! I take my trigger shot tonight and my IUI is scheduled and we will be headed to Raleigh tomorrow afternoon!!!!!! Found myself searching pinterest earlier looking at nursery colors.....trying not to get to far ahead of myself but it is so hard not to think this has to work.

DAY 12 ~ We are headed to Raleigh. Been super bloated and kinda miserable since about 4pm. Guess that trigger shot is no joke and all these follicles are in turbo mode. Looking forward to also "getting away" for a couple days...just Greg and I. We have always enjoyed road trips, I know its not far but this is a special occasion and it will be nice for just the two of us to spend a little extra quality time together.

IUI DAY!!!!!!!!!!! So I did not read in the small print anywhere about the bloating and abdominal discomfort. I couldnt try to button a pair of pants right now if I tried and did not sleep well because I typically sleep on my stomach. I really hope this doesnt last long. Of course add all that to my anxiety of today, I am an emotional mess. While Im very hopeful that this works Im so scared it wont and all this time, money, discomfort will be for nothing. Im sure all these hormones have nothing to do with the fact I just wanna crawl in a corner and cry.....time to head to the RE office.

Sitting in the lobby waiting.....Greg is beside me SNORING....haha....we havent even been sitting here that long. Hopefully he doesnt snore to loud while Im having the procedure, because I wont be here to wake him up.


Procedure done!!! It was pretty short and simple. It was pretty cool when they showed me when the little swimmers were released (it was just a big blog of white). Now Im getting super crampy and just wanna go home and sleep. My phone is blowing up with well wishes, update requests, and just simple I love yous. Reminds me how loved we are but also reminds me of all those I do not want to let down. I know they will love me regardless but I know there are so many that want this just as much as we do. So now we have started our TWO WEEK WAIT... these next 14 days are going to be torture. I will try my best to keep my mind occupied and off of all things infertility. Gonna try to stay positive.