Dear Family & Friends

Dear Family & Friends,

It has taken me along time to make this blog public to my loved ones so I wanted to take a second to explain the purpose of this blog. This blog was started during a time that I (stacy) was doing a lot of research and reading about infertility. I ran across so many blogs of other couples that were going through the same thing and I found more comfort in finding those i could relate to than I did reading all the medical articles. So I started realizing that all the emotions and feelings I was having was real and I started realizing that most of the stress and anxiety i was feeling was mostly caused by my inability to express my true feeling and emotions. So instead of being a blabbering, crying mess to people I did not think would truly understand I started this blog. 

My primary purpose for this blog is to help me control my emotions and feelings. While reading others blogs and typing this one Im able to release my anxieties and fears on "paper" versus holding them all in and expressing them with anger, irritability, and/or depression. When ever I start feeling overwhelmed or sad, I just start typing away.

Also I want this to be an outlet to communicate with my family and friends about our battle with infertility. Those closest to me get the occasional updates, test results, and other medical information, but very few actually know everything that is going on and how it is effecting us. Im hoping that this will help with the awkwardness that has become more prominent lately when the "baby" subject is brought up....or the fear of asking us about what going on. Its not an easy or happy topic for us so we definitely understand not wanting to "ask", and its probably not something we are gonna initiate conversation about. Not only do we want to keep you up to date on what is going on we want you to have a better understanding of how we are coping with it so that when we are having a bad day/week no one takes anything personal. We know that there is nothing you can say or do that will fix it and we dont expect you to, we only ask that you love us and understand that we need you even though sometimes it may not seem like it. 

Finally, I hope something that I post will help someone else like several other blogs have helped me. If one person is able to find solace in knowing they are not alone or gain information that they may have not already known, then I will feel as though something positive has come from our struggles.

Here is an awesome link for friends and family ~ its has great information on how you can support us through this.

Thank you for all you do for us and we love you more than you know <3

Stacy Marie ~ 

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